Saturday, May 05, 2007

His Mudder Was A Mudder -or- Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose, And Sometimes...It Rains.

As we sit around waiting to lose massive amounts of money betting on horseys to run real fast in circles (we like Dominican in the Derby), we thought we'd update a curious nation, clamoring for knowledge of the goings-ons and where-abouts of their heroes: The Gashaus Gorillas.

Thus far this spring, the Gorillas have battled an inconsistent Mother Nature (sub 40 degree weather, and two rain-outs) an inconsistent roster ("girlfriends" birthday's and "work" functions @ 7 o'clock at night), and inconsistent play.

The Gorillas, though, are undaunted, unaffected, and mostly un-sobered. An impressive 9 players showed up for an obviously rained-out game this Wednesday past. We were nearly moved to tears.

But having good chemistry and plenty of bier in the clubhaus is not enough. The Gorillas stand at 4-2 with four games left in spring play. The 2 games this coming Wednesday (oddly, @ 7&8 p.m.) are against the current league leaders, and are must wins.

So show up early. Bring your rain-gear. Sport your Gorilla colors. And be ready to kick some ass. This is the stuff from which past Gorilla Legends have been created, and the stuff that Gorillas of the future will talk about during rain delays on cold April nights.

And bring bier.


Anonymous said...

Beans is hurt. Go figure.

Flemwad won't be there. Go figure.

Time step up and show your mettle, girls.

Anonymous said...

Not that anybody reads this... but Melon is in for tonight.