Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh Yah, Happy Birthday -or- We Believe That Children Are Our Future

As you can tell by the scarcity of posts 'round these parts, the Gashaus Gorilla Softball season is winding down. And not a moment too soon. Not only are we a worn down team, but we really have nothing amusing to say.

Hell, we had to look for pictures of hot softball-chicks just to have a reason to post.

Oh wait, there is one thing we can write about.

We would be/have been/probably will be in the future remiss to not mention the birth of a future Gorilla. A couple/few weeks ago Al "don't call me Deezal" Critchfield and his wife Allison took delivery from the stork.

We don't have the date, weight, length, or color of eyes handy...but we are assured that it is indeed a boy, he has all 10 fingers and toes... and he will be pitching for the Gorillas in 2025.

(2025? Holy shit. Over/under on Gorillas still alive at that time is 7. And yah, we're looking right at you Baumgart. Those steroids are gonna come back and bite you in the ass, big-time.)

So hey, here's a belated happy birthday to Connor, and a congrats to Al & Allison for continuing the circle of life. Maybe now we can stop worrying about letting out that goddam cat when we come to your house, and start worrying about leaving cigarette butts and heroin needles in the baby's room.

(We don't have any idea how Allison spells her name. We've tried it w/ a 'y', with 1 'l', and with a happy face instead of the 'o'... so, u know, sorry.)

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