Sunday, July 29, 2007

No Jacket Required -or- If Your Train's On Time, You Can Get To Work By Nine

The question is as old as sport itself. Does chemistry lead to winning, or the other way around? Maybe it works both ways.

Or maybe they don't have any effect on each other at all.

To make a case for that, one needs to look no further than your beloved Gashaus Gorillas. We will be vying for an incredible sixth straight league title this Tuesday night. Very Atlanta Braves-esque. And honestly, we can't stand each other. Hell, we wouldn't trust a single one of these fuckers with our: 14 year old sister, truck for the weekend, home telephone number or bier.

But if there's anything you can trust the Gorillas to do, it's find a way to win ballgames. Well, actually, it's drink bier. But after that it's find a way to win ballgames.

This is a Gorilla team that started the season a very depressing 1-4. We weren't hitting, we weren't fielding, and we weren't winning.

We needed a spark.

Sensing this, Carlos Zambrano punched his idiot catcher in the face. Since then, the Gorillas have won five straight games. Proof, once again, that Big Z is what we like to call, "the balls."

All that's left for us to do is come out this Tuesday evening for our 9:00 p.m. (cst) game and take care of business. You know what that means. Theme night.

Shirt and tie required for this formal event boys. Workman-like effort is called for. Well, white collar workman-like effort. Let's not get crazy and hurt ourselves.

We win the game, we win the champeenship.

And maybe we'll even build a little chemistry while we're at it.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nobody Said Anything About Tight PANTS -or- HA-ha, Gerthy Struck Out. HA-ha!

Some things you just can't un-see. And boy, howdee, did we fill up on the ole' nightmare-fuel on Tuesday night.

Honestly, the picture above just doesn't do justice to how healthy we Gashaus Gorillas have become. And when we say "healthy," we mean, "fat and disgusting."

The picture reminds us of the "good lighting" girl from that Seinfeld episode. In the right lighting, we look pretty money. But if you were to observe, say, a third baseman holding a bat above his head menacingly whilst wearing a shirt about 8 sizes too small... you too would be begging your HMO for Cialis this week.

But hey, you didn't come here to see fat men dressed inappropriately, did you? You did? Well shit. Guess we shoulda taken a few more pictures then. Sorry bout that. We honestly thought you cared how the Gorillas did in their big game this week. But since you obviously don't, we'll just go on about our bi... what? You do want to know? Sweet! Okay...we'll tell ya.

We won.

It was awesome.

You shoulda been there.

Okay, look: we're not gonna bullshit ya. We really have nothing to say. We were gonna write some kind of hilarious post about Tim Donaghy fixing our game, Michael Vick betting on Snyder dying in our game, or Bud Selig deciding not to attend our game... but honestly, we just don't have it in us.

Let's just say it was very exciting, and we are still trying to recover emotionally, as well as physically.

The important thing, tho, is that we were able to put up the picture of the two hot chicks in what we like to think of as softball gear. And when we say "softball gear" we mean... ah, hell... you know what we mean.

Anyways, we beat Dynakleen on Tight Shirt Night, continuing our unbeaten streak on theme nights*. We'll try to continue that this coming Tuesday when we play for the champeenship of the world**.

Dress appropriately, okay?

* - We are not unbeaten on theme nights.
** - Champeenship is only of league. World domination is not total.

(update: D's mom wrote in and pointed out that he was actually 3-3 w/ a walk in the game. We're way too lazy to change the box-score tho. We'll adjust thet stats. Probably.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Camera Adds Ten Pounds -or- Cheezborger! Cheezborger! Cheezborger!

As we sit around and wait for John Smoltz to throw lots of crappy pitches in Barry Bonds' general direction, we can't help but contemplate the changes that occur naturally in one's body.

Some of these here Gorillas are in our mid-to-upper 30's - about the age Bonds was when he started growing like a 16 year old penis at a school dance - and I think it's safe to assume, as the photo to the right surely tells you, that many of us may not be as, um, small as we once were.

And yet, oddly, we are rarely accused of using performance enhancing drugs.

Sure, we're not exactly what you would call "cut." Perhaps we're not "in shape." Maybe we're not even what those quack doctors would call "healthy." But hey, we're still pretty money. Yes, it's true that an unnamed Gorilla recently got a little winded playing MLB '07 - "The Show", but that could happen to anyone, with those new fangled joysticks.

So what are the differences between your typical Gorilla (pictured above) and the Sultan of Sulk? Surly-ness? C'mon, even on nights that Big Al isn't on the mound, we still lead the league in yelling at 20-something blond kids that should be playing indoor soccer. Hat size? Ahem. World - Derek. Derek - world. Hitting skills? Perhaps you've seen our professional hitter roaming right-center field. Skin tone? Why do u think Ronnie is on the squad? Okay, your right, it's because he always has a bottle of crown. But hey, he's black, so we're calling this one a tie too.

So that leaves home runs. We suppose we'll have to concede that one. Even though we play in considerably smaller ball parks where people throw the ball underhand to us, we aren't quite on the pace of the man Berman calls "U.S." I think we all know why that is. Between shitty bats, even shittier balls, and our beloved Parks N Rec moving the goddam fences back at Iglerock - we've not exactly had a great power year, and it is costing us offensively.

And yet, as we noted last week, we're in a prime position to win our sixth straight league title. So we really should, u know, take this next game seriously. Right?

Ah, fuck that. Instead, lets wear shirts that are way to fucking tight, and try to drink 10 biers each before the 6 p.m. start.

Then after the game we'll throw some burgers on a grill - just to prove that we're not juicing, and to avoid any rumors about the early stages of the mental illness that is anorexia. (And no, that's not a disease. We're not gonna call something a disease when the cure costs less than $6 at Burger King.)

Let the chips (and dip) fall where they may. But at the end of tomorrow night, we will have had a helluva time, took some funny pictures, and, hopefully, won a big ball game.

Then on Wednesday, we're totally starting our diet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 17th Boxscore -or- Craptastic!

Being craptacular is not something to be all that proud of. But sometimes you can be crapilific, and still be just good enough to keep hopes up. The Chicago Cubs have proven that many times over the course of our lifetime.

The Gashaus Gorillas are on a quest to prove it as well, only on a more local, bullshit softball league kinda way. Actually, the many tiers of crapstandingness the Gorillas have touched this year - while somehow still staying quasi-relative - is somewhat impressive.

The game this Tuesday past was no exception. Three Gorillas didn't even bother showing up. BK claimed he was "working," which we took to mean he was looking up cartoon porn on a library computer in Boonville. McGru didn't call, but we can only assume he was drying his "Vegas Is For Lovas" shirt over and over. We don't know where the hell D was, but we're pretty sure he wasn't exercising there.

Knowing this, we postponed Tight Shirt Nite 'till next week so we could enjoy their meaty-midsection wonderfulness again this year. So one would think, without distractions or restrictive clothing, the Gorillas would've been ready to bust loose and put up a 20 spot on some unsuspecting punks with so little imagination they took their name from a crappy movie about dodge ball. One would be wrong.
Instead we were craptastic (some more than others) - yet good enough to win. Didn't see that coming, did ya?
We continued to roll in crapola after the game as we, for some reason, listened to a poker game on the radio. (Next week we're bringing in a taped recording of the British Open.) Then we ran out of bier and went home not drunk enough to be funny or get laid by our chics, but plenty buzzed to draw attention from Jonny Law. The theme continues.
It has truly been a mediocre year. So imagine our surprise when we looked up the standings for our league... and found that we have still been good enough to have a chance to win the fucker.
The Gorillas currently stand at 5-4, and it took a goddam miracle four-game winning streak to get there. Yet we are a scant 1/2 a game behind Dynakleen (who, at 5-3, has a rain-out to make up), and tied with a team we don't particularily like, El Diablo.
We have two games left. We play Dynakleen this Tuesday. It's Tight Shirt Night. It would seem to us that the only thing left to do, as Jake said in Major League, is "win the whole fucking thing."
That wouldn't be so craptastic, would it?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Gorilla Stats

*Yes, you're reading this right. The Gorillas have played eight games, but only have stats for 7 of them. The dog ate the stats for the lost game. We lost it anyway, so fuck it.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 10th Boxscore - or - Hat Trick

There are few things that please a crowd like a Gashaus Gorilla Theme Night. Sure, some consider it old hat*. Some might think the attention is getting to our heads*. Some claim that we've officialy flipped our lids*. But at the end of the day, they just have to tip their caps* and admit we are the coolest goddam thing since Dr. Seuss.
This week we played a game against a team called El Diablo or some gay shit. They annoyed us greatly. They still annoy us. They are the reason we have five goddam 6 p.m. games this summer. For some reason they just had to play all their games @ 8. Fuck them.
They had beaten us by a score of 15-12 earlier in the year. Fuck them.

They are a bunch of kids who round bases too far, throw behind runners, and slide into defensless cowboys on the basepaths. Fuck them.
Little did they know that we never lose on theme nights**. Still, we needed all the Gorilla Theme Night Magic we could muster. The game went extra innings after a bottom of the 7th that was like a train wreck, only in the middle a woman gets raped and has a forced abortion. That is to say, it was pretty shitty to watch. But the Gorillas are nothing if not clutch (fat, slow, alcoholic and funny-looking), and on this night we were just clutch enough and gritted out a win.

Fuck them.
The win gets us back to the .500 mark, after a decidedly shitty start, and gives us some hope of at least making things moderately interesting in the league.
The next order of bidness is deciding what our theme night will be next week. The obvious choices are available, and new ideas are welcome. Throw your suggestion in the comments, or send an e-mail, and we'll put up a poll this weekend to decide.
Our next game is @ 7 p.m. against "The Snakes" - an equally gay team name, and a team that I think beat us last time. I suspect we don't like them either.
Fuck them.

* - Not true
** - Not true