Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Year In the Gashaus: Prologue -or- Get Sheen & Costner On The Phone!

At times, the east coast bias of the main stream media, specifically the “World Wide Leader in Sports”, is so blatant that we wonder why anyone west of Dunder-Mifflin’s Scranton office even bothers with it.

There is no more glaring an example than the cold shoulder turned to your beloved Gashaus Gorillas.

We didn’t expect to edge out Jeter, but gezus, we’ve got to be more “now” than some red-headed half a retard snow-boarder!

Here’s a team that has everything the media loves: the adorable characters and idiotic facial hair of the Red Sox; the inept leadership and sexual/racial insensitivity of the Knicks; the aching, aging veterans and foolish spending habits of the Yankees; the dominating play and questionable tactics of the Patriots. It’s the stuff three part fuzzy-focus segments on Sportscenter are made of. Hell, it’s the stuff shitty sports movies are made of! The only films Costner makes that anyone gives a shit about are about sports – why hasn’t he called us?

Go and watch the next goddam movie about Keanu Reeves taking some inner-city cliff-diving team all the way to the AstroDome for a match against Ben Stiller’s karate team made up of high school quarterbacks who have a sensitive side. And if you think it’s more interesting than a typical Taking Care of Business Night, well, we hope Berman steals your leather-clad chick from under your nose at the Holiday Inn bar while you fend off the unwelcome advances of a sweaty & drunken Beano Cook.

Yes, we realize that we’re not the best softball team in the nation, state, or even the city. There are a couple players on our team that we honestly would like to replace with a blender. (Sure, we wouldn’t be any better, but we’d all have a nice frozen daiquiri after the game. And that would be awesome.) We can tell you though, with a reasonable amount of conviction, that we are the coolest. Not in that mamby pamby “good-looking, nice-hair, and fucks-supermodels” kinda way, either. We’re cool in that “hey let me buy you fifteen biers because you’re so fucking money” kinda way. We’re more Barkley than Kobe, more Favre than Brady, and more Rafferty than Herbstreit.

So, in lieu of the MSM getting their heads out of their asses and giving the Gorillas some well-deserved props, we’re gonna spend a little time blowing our own [dick joke] horns.

While we didn’t blog about everything that happened this year, we hit on several high-points. And later this week, we’ll be posting a recap. It will be a must-read for all you Gorilla faithful. We are certain that, eventually, sports illustrated will toss it in a leather bound hard back, and give it away to new subscribers. Which means that at least 8 people will get it in the next three months alone.

Not long after that, we’ll be watching Charlie Sheen wearing a neck tie and playing 3rd base against a Dick Butkus-led psuedo church team.

See you at the Oscars.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh Yah, Happy Birthday -or- We Believe That Children Are Our Future

As you can tell by the scarcity of posts 'round these parts, the Gashaus Gorilla Softball season is winding down. And not a moment too soon. Not only are we a worn down team, but we really have nothing amusing to say.

Hell, we had to look for pictures of hot softball-chicks just to have a reason to post.

Oh wait, there is one thing we can write about.

We would be/have been/probably will be in the future remiss to not mention the birth of a future Gorilla. A couple/few weeks ago Al "don't call me Deezal" Critchfield and his wife Allison took delivery from the stork.

We don't have the date, weight, length, or color of eyes handy...but we are assured that it is indeed a boy, he has all 10 fingers and toes... and he will be pitching for the Gorillas in 2025.

(2025? Holy shit. Over/under on Gorillas still alive at that time is 7. And yah, we're looking right at you Baumgart. Those steroids are gonna come back and bite you in the ass, big-time.)

So hey, here's a belated happy birthday to Connor, and a congrats to Al & Allison for continuing the circle of life. Maybe now we can stop worrying about letting out that goddam cat when we come to your house, and start worrying about leaving cigarette butts and heroin needles in the baby's room.

(We don't have any idea how Allison spells her name. We've tried it w/ a 'y', with 1 'l', and with a happy face instead of the 'o'... so, u know, sorry.)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Fall Ball Time -or- Let's Play Two!

You may have figured it out by the glaring absence of a follow-up post after the one below, but the Gorillas were unceremoniously bounced from the city tourney after shooting our collective wad in the three hour marathon game o' the century.

It was sad, but inevitable. We had to save our best for the thing we're known most for: winning league titles.

Speaking of, the Fall league begins tonight. Here's the schedule:

We have lots more to talk about, and we'll try to do that tomorrow along with a follow up to our first fall league double-header.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mildly Surprising The World! -or- Power Ballad

The city tourney began last night, and by now you've already heard about the game between lovable underdogs, The Gashaus Gorillas, and the power haus Midwest/Adcraft Softball (playing under the pseudonym: Swat Pest).

We considered typing a complete game write-up - something we rarely do - because the game was so goddam exciting. Seriously, next to the Gorillas signature win over the Gawd Fearin' Bastards to win the league champeenship last summer, this was the most exciting win in the modern Gorilla Era. But today, as e-mails were flying and reporters were calling, we came across this nice write up about the epic win:

Ok, Jeremy Willis hit a screaming line drive off Nick's shin to lead off the game. That really pissed us off!
And then D went all Mark McGwire and put some balls in the stratosphere.
And then Nick went all Rick Ankiel on them and hit a bomb of his own to avenge that huge lump on his shin.
And then Adcraft hit like a gagillion hr's for outs.
And then Dant puked his guts...and more guts. Very Gorilla-esk.
And then Wolfey hit a ball that landed in B's glove.
And then Wolfey hit another ball that landed in D's glove as B just dove for it.
And then they walked Piglet to get to B....and B booped a screaming knuckler over Eagle's head to win the phukin game!
And then Todd Mazzier bad mouthed everyone on his team after the game.
And Elkie peeled out in the parking lot.
The end.

He may have missed a couple things in there somewhere, and we're not totally pleased with the Satanic Fowl references, but it keeps us from typing more and pretty much sums it up.

One thing we would like to point out, just in case someone with a position in the local Parks N Rec office stumbles across this here bloggy-thingy, in the 11 games of the summer league this year, the Gorillas hit exactly five home runs. Last night, using balls left over from last year, we hit eight, plus one for an out. (Oh, and we're not saying this, but we heard some other people saying that the home-plate umpire is an idiot of Paris Hilton proportions.)

So hey, the Gorillas go out again tonight to shock the world yet again, and hell, if we were gonna go thru all the trouble to play three fuckin' hours last night, we might as well win another game tonight and make it worth while.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Gorilla Stats -or- Your Grandma Thinks We're Hot

It's probably obvious to everyone by now... but we thought we'd remind you one more time: The Gashaus Gorillas are the shit.

You can tell because your Granny is holding the two trophies (in two tries) that we've already won this year. More proof is the video here, showing the crowd going nuts as JT hit a bomb in the championship game. (Turn your sound down - the screeching goes straight thru your soul.)

So two down, and two to go. First, the Evansville Parks and Crap Men's Softball tournament. It's a wonderful event in which we'll play games using unbelievably shitty balls on even shittier fields officiated by shittier-still umpires. It'll be awesome.

After that, we'll start dominating some poor fall league under similar conditions.

And all this as we're way past our prime. You can tell that by the stats below. Ugh.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Business As Usual -or- One For The Other Pinky Finger

"Winning Takes Talent, To Repeat Takes Character" - John Wooden

It's been often noted that your Gashaus Gorillas have precious little talent, and hardly any character. What, then, would the Wizard of Westwood make of a 6th straight champeenship?

Our answer: who gives a fuck. Little Jonny may be in the basketball hall of fame as both a player and a coach, be widely regarded as the best coach of all time, save small children from burning buildings, adopt sick puppies from the animal shelter, and be a body-double in the making of the movie about our grandfather's life... but, can he kick our ass?

Okay, he probably can. But what we're trying to get at here, is that the Gashaus Gorillas overcame great obstacles - including a 1-4 start, and notable lack of the aforementioned supposedly important qualities - to win yet another champeenship on Tuesday night.

And we did it while wearing ties.

Believe me, it's harder than it looks. Taking Care Of Business Nite might look like all fun and games but when you don't play till 9 p.m. and you have to win the damn game to win the trophy, it's serious shit.

So we came out in our Sunday best, and gave it our Tuesday average. By the 3rd inning, we were indeed taking care of business. Not like these guys, but close.

And by the time the dust settled, the smoke cleared, and
the game-bier emptied, it was time to crown our asses.

So we find ourselves at the end of yet another summer softball league. We know many of you are worried that you won't be able to fill your time reading our pointless ramblings now, but fier not. For the first time ever the Gorillas will be playing in the city tournament. (While we didn't play together as a team last year, our individual members did pretty well.) And after that, of course, we'll be going for plastic plated piece of crap number seven in the fall league. We may even have a few things to say over the winter this year.

In the meanwhile, here are the highly anticipated pics of TCBNite 2k7. We think there's a link somewhere or another to the photo album thingy on the interwebs... we'll see what we can do to get it up here. If not, screw you. We think we've done pretty well doing this much, considering our vcr is still blinking 12:00.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

No Jacket Required -or- If Your Train's On Time, You Can Get To Work By Nine

The question is as old as sport itself. Does chemistry lead to winning, or the other way around? Maybe it works both ways.

Or maybe they don't have any effect on each other at all.

To make a case for that, one needs to look no further than your beloved Gashaus Gorillas. We will be vying for an incredible sixth straight league title this Tuesday night. Very Atlanta Braves-esque. And honestly, we can't stand each other. Hell, we wouldn't trust a single one of these fuckers with our: 14 year old sister, truck for the weekend, home telephone number or bier.

But if there's anything you can trust the Gorillas to do, it's find a way to win ballgames. Well, actually, it's drink bier. But after that it's find a way to win ballgames.

This is a Gorilla team that started the season a very depressing 1-4. We weren't hitting, we weren't fielding, and we weren't winning.

We needed a spark.

Sensing this, Carlos Zambrano punched his idiot catcher in the face. Since then, the Gorillas have won five straight games. Proof, once again, that Big Z is what we like to call, "the balls."

All that's left for us to do is come out this Tuesday evening for our 9:00 p.m. (cst) game and take care of business. You know what that means. Theme night.

Shirt and tie required for this formal event boys. Workman-like effort is called for. Well, white collar workman-like effort. Let's not get crazy and hurt ourselves.

We win the game, we win the champeenship.

And maybe we'll even build a little chemistry while we're at it.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nobody Said Anything About Tight PANTS -or- HA-ha, Gerthy Struck Out. HA-ha!

Some things you just can't un-see. And boy, howdee, did we fill up on the ole' nightmare-fuel on Tuesday night.

Honestly, the picture above just doesn't do justice to how healthy we Gashaus Gorillas have become. And when we say "healthy," we mean, "fat and disgusting."

The picture reminds us of the "good lighting" girl from that Seinfeld episode. In the right lighting, we look pretty money. But if you were to observe, say, a third baseman holding a bat above his head menacingly whilst wearing a shirt about 8 sizes too small... you too would be begging your HMO for Cialis this week.

But hey, you didn't come here to see fat men dressed inappropriately, did you? You did? Well shit. Guess we shoulda taken a few more pictures then. Sorry bout that. We honestly thought you cared how the Gorillas did in their big game this week. But since you obviously don't, we'll just go on about our bi... what? You do want to know? Sweet! Okay...we'll tell ya.

We won.

It was awesome.

You shoulda been there.

Okay, look: we're not gonna bullshit ya. We really have nothing to say. We were gonna write some kind of hilarious post about Tim Donaghy fixing our game, Michael Vick betting on Snyder dying in our game, or Bud Selig deciding not to attend our game... but honestly, we just don't have it in us.

Let's just say it was very exciting, and we are still trying to recover emotionally, as well as physically.

The important thing, tho, is that we were able to put up the picture of the two hot chicks in what we like to think of as softball gear. And when we say "softball gear" we mean... ah, hell... you know what we mean.

Anyways, we beat Dynakleen on Tight Shirt Night, continuing our unbeaten streak on theme nights*. We'll try to continue that this coming Tuesday when we play for the champeenship of the world**.

Dress appropriately, okay?

* - We are not unbeaten on theme nights.
** - Champeenship is only of league. World domination is not total.

(update: D's mom wrote in and pointed out that he was actually 3-3 w/ a walk in the game. We're way too lazy to change the box-score tho. We'll adjust thet stats. Probably.)

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Camera Adds Ten Pounds -or- Cheezborger! Cheezborger! Cheezborger!

As we sit around and wait for John Smoltz to throw lots of crappy pitches in Barry Bonds' general direction, we can't help but contemplate the changes that occur naturally in one's body.

Some of these here Gorillas are in our mid-to-upper 30's - about the age Bonds was when he started growing like a 16 year old penis at a school dance - and I think it's safe to assume, as the photo to the right surely tells you, that many of us may not be as, um, small as we once were.

And yet, oddly, we are rarely accused of using performance enhancing drugs.

Sure, we're not exactly what you would call "cut." Perhaps we're not "in shape." Maybe we're not even what those quack doctors would call "healthy." But hey, we're still pretty money. Yes, it's true that an unnamed Gorilla recently got a little winded playing MLB '07 - "The Show", but that could happen to anyone, with those new fangled joysticks.

So what are the differences between your typical Gorilla (pictured above) and the Sultan of Sulk? Surly-ness? C'mon, even on nights that Big Al isn't on the mound, we still lead the league in yelling at 20-something blond kids that should be playing indoor soccer. Hat size? Ahem. World - Derek. Derek - world. Hitting skills? Perhaps you've seen our professional hitter roaming right-center field. Skin tone? Why do u think Ronnie is on the squad? Okay, your right, it's because he always has a bottle of crown. But hey, he's black, so we're calling this one a tie too.

So that leaves home runs. We suppose we'll have to concede that one. Even though we play in considerably smaller ball parks where people throw the ball underhand to us, we aren't quite on the pace of the man Berman calls "U.S." I think we all know why that is. Between shitty bats, even shittier balls, and our beloved Parks N Rec moving the goddam fences back at Iglerock - we've not exactly had a great power year, and it is costing us offensively.

And yet, as we noted last week, we're in a prime position to win our sixth straight league title. So we really should, u know, take this next game seriously. Right?

Ah, fuck that. Instead, lets wear shirts that are way to fucking tight, and try to drink 10 biers each before the 6 p.m. start.

Then after the game we'll throw some burgers on a grill - just to prove that we're not juicing, and to avoid any rumors about the early stages of the mental illness that is anorexia. (And no, that's not a disease. We're not gonna call something a disease when the cure costs less than $6 at Burger King.)

Let the chips (and dip) fall where they may. But at the end of tomorrow night, we will have had a helluva time, took some funny pictures, and, hopefully, won a big ball game.

Then on Wednesday, we're totally starting our diet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 17th Boxscore -or- Craptastic!

Being craptacular is not something to be all that proud of. But sometimes you can be crapilific, and still be just good enough to keep hopes up. The Chicago Cubs have proven that many times over the course of our lifetime.

The Gashaus Gorillas are on a quest to prove it as well, only on a more local, bullshit softball league kinda way. Actually, the many tiers of crapstandingness the Gorillas have touched this year - while somehow still staying quasi-relative - is somewhat impressive.

The game this Tuesday past was no exception. Three Gorillas didn't even bother showing up. BK claimed he was "working," which we took to mean he was looking up cartoon porn on a library computer in Boonville. McGru didn't call, but we can only assume he was drying his "Vegas Is For Lovas" shirt over and over. We don't know where the hell D was, but we're pretty sure he wasn't exercising there.

Knowing this, we postponed Tight Shirt Nite 'till next week so we could enjoy their meaty-midsection wonderfulness again this year. So one would think, without distractions or restrictive clothing, the Gorillas would've been ready to bust loose and put up a 20 spot on some unsuspecting punks with so little imagination they took their name from a crappy movie about dodge ball. One would be wrong.
Instead we were craptastic (some more than others) - yet good enough to win. Didn't see that coming, did ya?
We continued to roll in crapola after the game as we, for some reason, listened to a poker game on the radio. (Next week we're bringing in a taped recording of the British Open.) Then we ran out of bier and went home not drunk enough to be funny or get laid by our chics, but plenty buzzed to draw attention from Jonny Law. The theme continues.
It has truly been a mediocre year. So imagine our surprise when we looked up the standings for our league... and found that we have still been good enough to have a chance to win the fucker.
The Gorillas currently stand at 5-4, and it took a goddam miracle four-game winning streak to get there. Yet we are a scant 1/2 a game behind Dynakleen (who, at 5-3, has a rain-out to make up), and tied with a team we don't particularily like, El Diablo.
We have two games left. We play Dynakleen this Tuesday. It's Tight Shirt Night. It would seem to us that the only thing left to do, as Jake said in Major League, is "win the whole fucking thing."
That wouldn't be so craptastic, would it?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Gorilla Stats

*Yes, you're reading this right. The Gorillas have played eight games, but only have stats for 7 of them. The dog ate the stats for the lost game. We lost it anyway, so fuck it.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 10th Boxscore - or - Hat Trick

There are few things that please a crowd like a Gashaus Gorilla Theme Night. Sure, some consider it old hat*. Some might think the attention is getting to our heads*. Some claim that we've officialy flipped our lids*. But at the end of the day, they just have to tip their caps* and admit we are the coolest goddam thing since Dr. Seuss.
This week we played a game against a team called El Diablo or some gay shit. They annoyed us greatly. They still annoy us. They are the reason we have five goddam 6 p.m. games this summer. For some reason they just had to play all their games @ 8. Fuck them.
They had beaten us by a score of 15-12 earlier in the year. Fuck them.

They are a bunch of kids who round bases too far, throw behind runners, and slide into defensless cowboys on the basepaths. Fuck them.
Little did they know that we never lose on theme nights**. Still, we needed all the Gorilla Theme Night Magic we could muster. The game went extra innings after a bottom of the 7th that was like a train wreck, only in the middle a woman gets raped and has a forced abortion. That is to say, it was pretty shitty to watch. But the Gorillas are nothing if not clutch (fat, slow, alcoholic and funny-looking), and on this night we were just clutch enough and gritted out a win.

Fuck them.
The win gets us back to the .500 mark, after a decidedly shitty start, and gives us some hope of at least making things moderately interesting in the league.
The next order of bidness is deciding what our theme night will be next week. The obvious choices are available, and new ideas are welcome. Throw your suggestion in the comments, or send an e-mail, and we'll put up a poll this weekend to decide.
Our next game is @ 7 p.m. against "The Snakes" - an equally gay team name, and a team that I think beat us last time. I suspect we don't like them either.
Fuck them.

* - Not true
** - Not true

Friday, June 29, 2007

NOW we go! -or- "Hello $6.50 bier. I've missed you."

So, you may have noticed that updates, game recaps, and hilarity have been a little, um, lacking 'round these parts lately.
Well, The Gorillas have been blowing the proverbial dog thus far this Summer... and we just haven't had much to say. Then Rod Beck goes and dies, and on Rod Beck Tribute Night we get rained out. (And how ironic that Shooter would die so close to Rod Beck Tribute Night! What? Oh.) So things may seem a little... depressing.
But perk up, kiddies! There's good news!
As we type this, the New(!) and Improved(!) Team Bat is on a FedEx truck - bound for delivery to our palatial estate on Evansville's Beautiful West Side.
We are sooo gonna hit some bombs come next Tuesday. And this time by "bombs" we don't mean "sac flies 10 feet short of the fence."
Also: some of us are going to be heading out of town shortly, en route to the greatest place on earth. Of course, I'm speaking of the Bud Light Bleachers in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field. Big series with the Brew Crew this weekend and we're gonna enjoy the hell out of it.
Somebody should dvr the games, because we totally plan on getting wasted and running out to the pitchers mound to ask a crappy Cubs reliever, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Celebrity Death O' The Week - or - Shooter Takes A Tough Loss

September 28th, 1998. Cubs are up 5-3 over the Giants. It's the top of the 9th inning. They had started that inning up 5-1. Now there are two runners in, two runners on base, and only one out. .
This game is a one-game playoff with the Giants to win the NL wild card. As some of you may know - the Cubs, they just don't get to go to the playoffs all that often. Not often at all.
And so there are 30-some odd thousand people standing in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field. 24-some odd thousand of them are convinced that the ghost of a billy-goat will distract Kevin Orie enough that he'll miss an easy ground ball (just as had happened in the 3rd inning on May 6th, costing Kerry Wood a no-hitter in perhaps the most dominate game ever thrown by a pitcher) that will lead to another horribly depressing loss.
20-some odd thousand people were saying, either to themselves or the drunk Trixie next to them, "Sosa hits 20 homeruns in June, and 66 this year...and these bums are gonna blow it anyway."
11-some odd thousand people began sobbing, getting an early start on the inevitable and trying to beat the crowd.
8 people relaxed - knowing the game was in hand.
One of those 8 faithful was a fat guy with unruly facial hair and a mullet. And at this moment, he was running from the left field bullpen towards the mound. All 30-some odd thousand people must have thought it was rather odd, that a fat guy would run like this - in such a hurry to face the Giants #4 & 5 hitters, in such a taxing situation.
The fat guy stood bent over on the hill, his right arm dangling and swaying in the breeze. He scowled at Jeff Kent. He threw a pitch: slow and crooked. Ground ball to short. Force out @ 2nd. Two down.
Next, he scowled at Joe Carter, who had a history of heroics. He threw a pitch: slower and more crooked still. Pop-up to 1st base.
Up in heaven, Harry Caray yelled, "Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Cubs Win!"

Somewhere right now, Harry's drinking a Bud. Shooter's drinking a Coors Light. They're talking baseball.
Rod "Shooter" Beck was found dead in his apartment this Saturday past. So it goes.
If you don't know the story of how Shooter spent his time @ AAA Iowa, on the comeback trail in 2003, then go read this article.
He was what we all would like to think we would be if we somehow had the talent and balls to be a major league baseball star. He was what the Gorillas are all about.
Update: Apparantly, Shooter was buried in a Cub uniform, even though he was only with the team for two years. There is still no information on the cause of his death.

Monday, May 21, 2007

2007 Summer League Schedule

We just realized that we never posted the summer league schedule. We blame Ryan Dempster & Neal Cotts.

All games are on Tuesday nights at Iglehart field.

May 15th - 6pm vs. Eville Deamons (L 23-13)
May 22nd - 6pm vs. Dyna Kleen
May 29th - 7pm vs. Red Rockets
June 5th - 8pm vs. el Diablo
June 12th - 6pm vs. The Snakes
June 19th - 6pm vs. Eville Deamons
June 26th - 6pm vs Dyna Kleen
July 3rd - 7pm vs. Red Rockets
July 10th - 8pm vs. El Diablo
July 17th - 7pm vs. The Snakes
July 24th - Rain Date
July 31st - Championship night 8pm game.

We'll update Theme Nights here as we schedule them.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The God-Fearing-Bastards Would Like For You To Appologize Now. -or- Yay, Us.

Okay, okay. We admit it. Perhaps we have been making just a few too many blasphemous & distastefull jokes over the last year or two. Hey God: we were only jokin'. Seriously.
We weren't sure if God was upset about Jerry Falwell croaking, or if he'd just had enough, already with our bullshit... but it sure looked like he was pissed Tuesday night. It rained, thundered, and the wind blew in 40 mph gusts - in every direction. All the while, our little Gorillas were standing out in the field watching youngsters run around the bases.
When Melon didn't show up till the 4th inning, we knew it was us that had the All-Mighty all in a tissy. And boy, did we regret this post from last year.
But hey, it was just game one of an 11 game summer season. Yah, we got our asses handed to us this time. But we'll get another shot at those little fuckers, what with their boundless energy, hot girlfriends, and ability to catch fly balls. And when we get that next chance: we won't suck as much. Especially Gerthy.
Having made His point Tuesday - and really, most of the spring league - the Big Guy gave us a lovely day on Wednesday. Which was good, since the Gorillas were vying for their fifth straight league championship. All we had to do was win two. A heady task, considering we were all bruised & battered from the night prior. Luckily, we had an hour off between games to drink replenishing fluids and strategersize. And so on.
We won, of course.
Because that's what we do.
That's all we do.
We don't know if our Spring League Championship trophey will look much like the one pictured here...but we do plan on wearing a cheerios hat, golf spikes, and a man-ziere when we passionately make out with it.
How you celebrate is up to you and your beliefs.
God, bless these Gorillas. (And Cracker.)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Splitsville -or- "Atta BJ T"

There are lots of things that we like -- that everyone likes -- about the Gashaus Gorillas. For one, there is the bier. The Gorillas always have bier.
There's also the witty banter, inspired play, on-field leadership, hustle, and skilled glove work.
Thank Gezus there was bier Wednesday night.
The Gorillas came out deader than Dillinger in game one. Fortunately PC Quest, the team with numbered sweatshirts, wasn't much better. A couple big innings from the good guys, and a win was salvaged.
This is becoming a (disturbing) trend for the Gorillas this spring. Slow starts, and slower endings sprinkled with a couple big offensive outbursts that, more often than not, are good enough for a win.
Unfortunately, that formula didn't work in game 2, and when all was said and done, we ended up where we started -- drinking bier in the parking lot, bad mouthing an absent Flemwad and a broke-dick Beans, and one full game behind PC Quest in the standings.
But hey, they don't say "ya win some, ya lose some" for nothing. And we don't say it very often. So despite the less-than-stellar performance Wednesday night, there is still a damn good chance of extending the championship streak to 5 straight leagues. All we gotta do is win two games next week (7 p.m. and 9 p.m.) and, whamo!, we're doing the donkey dance and drinking blue yummies from a gold-plated plastic trophy.
Then we'll take our rightful place in history, thank Gezus we don't keep the book in the spring, and bad-mouth Flemwad and broke-dick Beans.
That's one of the things we like about the Gashaus Gorillas.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

His Mudder Was A Mudder -or- Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose, And Sometimes...It Rains.

As we sit around waiting to lose massive amounts of money betting on horseys to run real fast in circles (we like Dominican in the Derby), we thought we'd update a curious nation, clamoring for knowledge of the goings-ons and where-abouts of their heroes: The Gashaus Gorillas.

Thus far this spring, the Gorillas have battled an inconsistent Mother Nature (sub 40 degree weather, and two rain-outs) an inconsistent roster ("girlfriends" birthday's and "work" functions @ 7 o'clock at night), and inconsistent play.

The Gorillas, though, are undaunted, unaffected, and mostly un-sobered. An impressive 9 players showed up for an obviously rained-out game this Wednesday past. We were nearly moved to tears.

But having good chemistry and plenty of bier in the clubhaus is not enough. The Gorillas stand at 4-2 with four games left in spring play. The 2 games this coming Wednesday (oddly, @ 7&8 p.m.) are against the current league leaders, and are must wins.

So show up early. Bring your rain-gear. Sport your Gorilla colors. And be ready to kick some ass. This is the stuff from which past Gorilla Legends have been created, and the stuff that Gorillas of the future will talk about during rain delays on cold April nights.

And bring bier.