Thursday, May 14, 2009

Time To Shine The Dancin' Shoes -or- "Freebird!"

The Gorillas are enjoying a little down time while we wait on the arc to be built and the fucking rain to stop. I believe at this point the summer league will start sometime in mid-October, so check with us then and we'll get you the schedule.

So for a little team-bonding and a good cause we're gonna drag our chics out to support fellow Gorilla JWar as he plays a little gig at the Duck Inn on May 23rd. I know what you're thinking, and yes, that is the day after my birthday. And yes, it is okay to give me gifts on the 23rd.

So anyway, get a babysitter and rent a tux. It's time for the Gorillas to paint the town red.

(click image to view larger)

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