Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gorilla Announcement -or- Greetings From The Ville


As you all probably know, the Gorillas have been on a bit of an hiatus whilst parks-n-rec tries to catch up from the 40 days of rain we recently had here in the taint of America, Evansville, IN.  And without the usual sport-like activities - and the accompanying “drinking of a thousand biers” – on Tuesday nights we haven’t exactly had a lot to write about on the ole Gorilla Blog.

I started to write a fake profile for the Gorilla/Cubs fan pictured to the right here, but,  I’ve stolen borrowed bits from before, and it wasn’t all that great, so I said fuck that.

batter_up Instead, I decided to stick with our recent mantra of “more tits, less words” and post a couple pictures of hot chicks along with the major motherfucking announcement that the Gorillas are now a sponsored team.

Soon we will be known as “The Gashaus Gorillas Presented By Verville Construction.”  Yah, it’s a little wordy, let’s not make a big deal out of it, okay?  Anywho, we’re not sure the good folks at Verville Construction really want their name associated with this sometimes racist (in a totally funny/non-offensive kind of way), sometimes triumphant, sometimes sentimental, sometimes blasphemous, and always fat blog, but we’re very happy to have Chris and his company as part of the organization and would like to take this time to say that the opinions and tasteless jokes expressed in this blog in no way reflect those of Verville Construction.

Summer league starts June 3rd (ish).  See ya then.

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